Dragon and Me collab with Netflix!
So excited to take you behind the scenes of "Dragon and Me" shoot with Netflix in anticipation of their new film, BACK TO THE OUTBACK!
USS stands for "Ugly Secret Society". This is the team of animals that breaks out of the zoo in the film to return back to the Australian outback!
The film is focused on a group of misunderstood and quirky animals escaping back to their roots.
In the movie, tired of being locked in a reptile house where humans gawk at them like they’re monsters, a ragtag group of Australia’s deadliest creatures plot a daring escape from their zoo to the Outback, a place where they’ll fit in without being judged for their scales and fangs.
The core idea of the movie really resonates with me. As you know I am a proud Iguana owner. I think this kind of wonderful animal is infringed upon completely in vain.
Especially the fierce Florida laws of the current year, as a result of which tens of thousands of wonderful and helpless animals are savagely killed. People even hunt them for fun… There is literally zero law to protect them or make an extermination more human. Currently breeders of the rarest and “one of a kind” species are literally outlawed.
The situation, in the US and Florida specifically, the attitude towards scaly little friends - is heartbreaking. I came from another country, I know what I am talking about, I saw how it could be different. Each living creature deserves respect.
When I was first contacted by Netflix and asked to participate in the project - I agreed immediately after reading the movie synopsis.
If later at least one person changes his mind - it was worth it!